China and Australia will test a post-combustion capture ( PCC) pilot plant in Beijing as part of a plan to cut carbon dioxide emissions from thermal power stations. 作为减少热电厂二氧化碳排放计划的一部分,中国和澳大利亚将在北京进行燃煤电厂二氧化碳捕集示范工程试验。
It was less than two years after the principle of solid circulation was confirmed in the large-scale pilot plant. 这距固体循环的原理在大型中间试验装置中得到确认之后不到两年。
Based on the data of residual oil HDS reaction in pilot plant, the lumping kinetic of residual oil HDS reaction was researched by means of prior simulation. 通过渣油加氢脱硫(HDS)中试装置实测数据,对渣油HDS反应集总动力学进行事前模拟。
Pilot plant study on advanced treatment of textile wastewater 纺织印染厂废水的深度处理中试及工程应用
A comparative study on inhibiting coking properties of sio_2/ s coating in pilot plant setup SiO2/S涂层抑制结焦性能的中试对比研究
Waste isolation pilot plant 废物隔离中间试验工厂
Next year, for instance, three major energy companies ill Scandinavia plan to build a pilot plant to make hydrogen from wind power. 例如明年,斯堪的纳维亚的三个主要能源公司计划修建一座实验性工厂,以采用风能制造氢。
Synthesis and performance of Mg~ ( 2+)-doped lithium vanadium phosphate in pilot plant test 镁离子掺杂磷酸钒锂的中试合成及性能研究
The simulation results are used to guide batch distillation pilot plant control experiments, and very satisfactory control performance is achieved. 对这些先进控制策略进行了仿真试验研究,仿真结果被用于指导间歇精馏控制实验,获得了满意的控制结果。
Pilot Plant Study on Integrate Treatment and Reuse of Printing and Dyeing Wastewater by BAF and Filtration Separation BAF-膜分离深度处理印染废水及回用中试研究
After the pilot plant test, the Government will initiate the investment and construction of mini-carriage overhead railway train in the city. 中试完成后由政府牵头投资,在城市中实施建设微型车厢高架轨道列车。
Study on optimization of coagulation-microfiltration pilot plant 混凝-微滤饮用水处理中试装置运行的优化研究
The pilot plant is20to100times smaller than the manufacturing area but is essential to our success. 虽然这测试厂房比生产厂房的规模小20至100倍,却是健尔力成功的关键。
Strategic Sewage Disposal Scheme Stage I& Pilot Plant Study on Chemical Dosing and Disinfection anthracemia tester 策略性污水排放计划第一期&化学剂量与消毒试验设备测试
Pilot plant test of removing catalyst fines from FCC slurry with sintered stainless steel filter core 不锈钢粉末烧结滤芯脱除FCC油浆中催化剂粉末中试研究
The process for removing acid from Nanhai Crude using LES-1 extraction solvent is studied on LES extraction pilot plant. 在LES萃取脱酸试验装置上,用LES-1萃取剂对南海原油进行了脱酸工艺研究。
Treatment of harbor cabin-washing wastewater in Pilot plant by coagulation-oxidization-biological aerated filter process 混凝-臭氧-曝气生物滤池处理港口洗舱废水的中试研究
Put a fence across the middle of the fields waste isolation pilot plant 地中间隔上一条栅栏废物隔离中间试验工厂
Pilot plant gives the foundation for the future commercialization. 中试的成功为产业化奠定了基础。
The result conforms to common reality and the experimental data from the pilot plant gasifier at North Carolina State University, U. S. A. 计算结果和一般实际情况及美国北卡州大学现有的试验气化炉的实测结果基本相符。
In this study, a biological process for controlling the concentration of residual nitrogen in coke-plant wastewater was investigated on a bench scale and through pilot plant experiments. 本文通过小试及中试,对焦化疲水的生物脱氮处理进行了研究。
The key equipment of a pilot plant to produce ultra-fine tourmaline powder with jet mill and stirred ball mill is described. 本文主要利用以气流磨和搅拌磨为主体的超细粉碎中试线,对电气石超细粉体的制备工艺进行了探讨。
Pilot Plant Study of S-based Compound Fertilizer Production with Potassium Bisulfate Reaction on AZF Process 硫酸氢钾反应嫁接AZF工艺生产硫基复合肥中试研究
The pilot plant test of anaerobic biodegradability of chemical pulping effluent 化学法制浆废水的厌氧可生化性研究
By this software, the kinetic model was verified in two commercial FCC traits and a FCC pilot plant which used residue as part of the feed. 利用该软件对工业催化裂化装置和掺炼渣油的中试装置进行了工业验证。
Third, several fluid bed wet granulation experiments were conducted for pure excipients and their blends with binder solution of different HPC concentrations in a pilot plant Wurster granulator. 第三,在试点车间的Wurster制粒机上,单纯使用辅料及其与不同浓度HPC溶液相混合进行几个流化床湿法制粒试验。
The pilot plant scale experimentation of adsorbing the foul gas from refinery wastewater treatment plant with granular activated carbon waas studied. 以颗粒状活性炭为吸附剂,对炼油厂污水处理场表曝池逸散的恶臭废气进行了中试研究。
Pilot plant test on Naproxen production wastewater treatment by electrolysis/ flocculation-uasb-mbr combined technology 应用电解絮凝-UASB-MBR组合工艺处理萘普生废水的中试研究
According to this sequence the separation of scheelite from fluorite was achieved in bench scale studies and pilot plant testwork. 利用这一规律,实验室和工业试验都实现了白钨矿与萤石的浮选分离。